The Library in the winter taken by Rebecca Nieminen.
Winter Reading Program
Winter Reading Program: January 2 - February 28
Children, Teens, and Adults

Are you “Yeti” to Read? The Library is gearing up to launch its winter reading challenge. Similar to the Summer Reading Program, the program features reading challenges and fun programming for all ages.

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Pre-Lunch Bunch

pre-lunch bunch with a sandwich sitting on a stack of books with an orange fork and knife

Be well read and well fed on the third Wednesday of every month at 11:00 a.m.! Come discuss the latest book selection at Kinsman Senior Center and then enjoy lunch available for a small donation through Country Neighbor. If you plan to stay for lunch, please RSVP no later than the Monday before by calling the Kinsman Senior Center at 330-876-0330. 

Teen Book Talk


Teens, join us for a meet-up to explore young adult fiction, ranging from cherished classics to popular new releases. Participate in lively discussions while enjoying some refreshments. Copies of the chosen books will be available for checkout at the library. This club meets in person at the Kinsman Free Public Library at 3:30 p.m. on the first Thursday of every other month to discuss the latest group selection. 

Meets in January, March, May, July, September and November.